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This is a pretty solid puzzle game! I really enjoyed the slow increase in complexity and the sound design does a great job of conveying what you need to know when you need to know it. My only gripe is that the platforming could have maybe been a bit smoother.

(1 edit)

It's as snug as a bug in a rug

I am so impressed with this game!

Beatiful game. Loved it!

Fantastic work! I loved every second of this!

Would you be at all interested in providing a Linux build? I'd love to play it outside a browser.


Sure thing! Check back after the jam ends (I can't add new downloads until then)


I remembered to check back, and was very happy to see a downloadable Linux build.

Many thanks! Looking forward to replaying this and tucking bug friends in to bed ^_^

Excellent puzzle design

Oh I adore this! The last puzzle definitely had me stumped for awhile but I feel proud that I figured it out :D

Very well done!

just wow, this is cute, inventive, and chalangin. you two guys are amazing !

Thanks (:


this is so incredibly cute! lovely art and concept! some of these puzzles are devilish ..